Friday, November 13, 2015
My dear friend, On June 6th, 1976 I met you first the first time when I reported for duty at Moody AFB, 68th AMU as a new, wet behind the ears, Crew Chief for F4E Phantom II's. Needless to say, I was completely lost until I met you that day. From that day forward we became friends and have remained so through all these years. To say I miss you is an understatement. I will cherish the memories I had with you and Debbie and I am recalling all of them now as I type this. You made my life in the service so much better and I could not have asked for a more generous loving soul than I found in you. Thank you for who you were and I am sure better angels are taking care of your until we meet again. My heartfelt sympathy to Debbie, the children and all of Elwyn's friends and extended family. My mother greived over the passing of her mother until one night she had a dream where her mother came to her and said, "Grieve not for me as you do not know what it is like to sleep on a bed of roses". I believe this is true and it soothes my sould knowing you are waiting for all of us.