Tribute Wall
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Elmore Hill McCreight Funeral Home
221 Broad Street
Sumter, South Carolina, United States
(803) 775-9386
Funeral Service
3:00 pm
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Chapel of Elmore Hill McCreight
221 Broad Street
Sumter, South Carolina, United States
(803) 775-9386
Evergreen Memorial Park Cemetery
802 N Guignard Dr.
Sumter, South Carolina, United States
Cheryl Burchfield posted a condolence
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Prayers for all of you thinking of you. Praying that God hold you all close and comfort you.i love you all.
Dale Schoolfield posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
I am so sorry to hear about Carl. I had the honor to work with him at Tuomey Healthcare System for several years. Carl was always a good friend and a man of honor. The world was a better place with Carl in it.
Lila Blackmon posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Carl and I met when he was with the SCHP and married to one of my dear friends, Mamie Gardner.
on the many occasions of encountering Carl, he always seemed to be happy and so proud of his wife and children. Whether at a school function/event, or just running into each other, he always had a smile for anyone who said hello; be it stranger, or be it friend.
He could also be a bit of a prankster. As I was heading down Pinewood Road, on my way home, a Highway Patrol Car kept following me. Of course, the first thing I did was to look at my speedometer... No, I was not speeding! I was going the speed limit. Then all of sudden the patrol car started to pass me but then slowed to my speed and stayed even with my car.
Needless to say I was not going to look over to make it obvious; I knew it was a patrol car, but I was not speeding, so why was he not moving on by me.
Then it happened, I heard that unmistakable, heart pounding, sound of a siren warning; I began to look for a place to pull over. I glanced over to let the patrolman know I was getting ready to stop; and what do you know... It was Carl Perry sitting behind the wheel. He was laughing away, waved at me with that great big smile and drove on down the road.
Mamie and family,
Please accept our condolences and know we all love you. Praying God's Healing Hands will grant you Peace in the days ahead.
Lila Follin (Turner) Blackmon & Family
Bobby Lee McGehee posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Prayers to the Perry family on their loss. Many years ago while I was stationed at Shaw AFB, Carl worked the area around Shaw and we were working friends. I remember one time he stopped the Colonel of our Legal Dept for DUI. The Colonel informed Carl who he was and Carl said he was General Perry and he was under arrest.
Julian L. Thigpen posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
We are so sorry to hear of your lost but am glad to know were Carl's soul has gone. I loved getting to know you and Carl and working with him for 41/2 years. You and the children are in our thoughts and Prayers. May God comfort you in your lost.
Eunice and Julian Thigpen
Margaret Coleman posted a condolence
Sunday, January 19, 2025
My little brother carried Jesus in his heart and a gun on his hip. First in the jungles of Vietnam, then with the SC highway patrol, then as a security guard at the Tuomey hospital. Now he has laid down his gun and went into the arms of Jesus. He was such a great brother. I will miss him dearly. Love your sister, Margaret.
Tammy Elvington lit a candle
Sunday, January 19, 2025

Heartfelt prayers and condolences to each and every family member and friend of Mr. Carl's! You all are in my prayers! God Bless!
Tammy Elvington lit a candle
Sunday, January 19, 2025

Heart felt prayers and condolences to each and every family member and friend of Mr. Carl's. God Bless!!
James E. Reese. Aka: James Dewey Perry Jr. lit a candle
Saturday, January 18, 2025

I did not know of Uncle Carls illness. My heart is with you all in prayerful thought. I uploaded a photo of Carl at the Criminal Justice Firing Range where we trained for many years. I retired as Corporal with SCHP in 1998. Currently a Corporal with Richland County I’m sure my Mother Milbra Ruth Franklin Reese will greet him with a hug.
James E. Reese. Aka: James Dewey Perry Jr. uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, January 18, 2025


The family of Ret. L/Cpl. Carl Herbert Perry uploaded a photo
Saturday, January 18, 2025

Please wait
Connie Morse posted a condolence
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Carl was A Good Man!! I worked with him for many years at the Magistrates office and Leo worked around him also. He wasnt a man who talked alot but he always had a smile on his Face. Praying for Mamie and His children!! You are all in our Thoughts and Prayers!!
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Ret. L/Cpl. Carl
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